Personal Characteristics of Youths and Their Influences on Sexual Health Information Seeking

Yesuselvi Manickam, Mumtaz Aini Alivi


The primary aim of this research is to examine how youths in the Klang Valley utilize social media to seek information about sexual health issues, particularly premarital heterosexuality. By investigating this relatively unexplored area, the study aims to address a gap in the existing literature concerning the use of social media as a technology to seek sexual health information among youths in the Klang Valley. A survey technique was employed to collect data from youths aged between 18 and 24 years old who knew about sexual health issues caused by premarital heterosexuality. Three hundred eighty-four usable responses were received and analyzed using appropriate statistical procedures. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (SmartPLS 4.0) technique was used to test the research model. The study confirmed that user personal characteristics, which were problem recognition and involvement, enabled youths in the Klang Valley to seek sexual health information through social media. The empirical results of this study also led to several significant findings. The findings indicated that user personal characteristics directly influenced the use of social media for sexual health information. The platform's usefulness and abundance of sexual health information aided youths in the management of sexual health issues.  Overall, social media plays an essential role as a platform for youths to seek sexual health information in Malaysia.


Keywords: Premarital heterosexuality, youth, social media, Technology Acceptance Model, information-seeking.

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