#Trending: A Reevaluation of Traditional News Values Given Twitter through a Mixed Methods Approach

Venice Nicole Arboleda Amoroso, Nicole Abigail Cenizal Cham, Paulo Mari Chico Cruz, Candice Ria Estacamento Monsale, Micah Gabriela Tongol San Jose, Jeremaiah Manuel Opiniano


Over the years, social media has catered for faster and perhaps more efficient delivery of news. Twitter, one of the most popular micro-blogging sites, is now being used by journalists in spreading and gathering news. And since Twitter takes note of what topics are trending, journalists now have an idea on what their audience would like to know and talk about. However, topics trending on Twitter often do not reflect the dominant news values presented by the journalists in the traditional news media, thus creating a gap between the perceptions of the audience and of the journalist on what are considered to be newsworthy especially on Twitter. This also creates an impression that news and the news values are evolving. This exploratory mixed methods research re-evaluates the traditional news values in the age of Twitter. It seeks to determine if such values have evolved and if they remain relevant for journalists in the delivery of news in this entirely new platform. Four news values were identified given a phenomenological approach employed in qualitative interviews. These identified news values were then tested using a survey (N=300) as structural equation modeling was employed to test if these four news values are correlated to newsworthiness, news consumption and news distribution. This study contributes to discourses on news values which are currently being reviewed given how the Internet and social media have influenced journalism.

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