Case Series of Non-Specific Volar Wrist Swellings in a Malaysian Urban Tertiary Centre

Emir Mustaqim Zulkharnain, Amir Adham Ahmad, Jon Yul Chun Chua, Perminder Singh Gill, Shalimar Abdullah, Jamari Sapuan


We collected a series of 5 patients with non-specific volar wrist swellings which were not ganglions. These swellings were of a mean 4x4cm in measurement with a vague history. The dilemma was to decide a correct diagnosis in clinic to ensure the relevant investigations were performed and to adequately inform patients who were worried and anxious about the swelling. Symptom presentations were pain (n=4), carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms (n=3) and one had triggering of the middle finger. The mean age was 54.8 years and mean duration to surgery was 15 months. All had the swelling on their dominant wrist and underwent surgical excision. Finally, two swellings were tuberculosis (TB), one was gout and two were tenosynovitis.


Flexor tenosynovitis; gouty wrist; tenosynovitis; tuberculosis wrist; volar wrist swelling

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