Pendekatan Main Peranan dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Komunikasi Pelajar Institut Pengajian Tinggi (Role-Playing Approach in Improving Communication Skills among Higher Education Institution Students)
Komunikasi secara efektif dan berhemah perlu disemai agar pelajar dapat berhadapan dengan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat dengan rasa yakin serta berupaya memenuhi keperluan kerjaya di masa depan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan tahap kemahiran komunikasi sekumpulan pelajar di sebuah universiti swasta. Seramai 14 pelajar telah dipilih mengikuti kajian tindakan yang dirancang untuk tempoh tiga minggu. Skop kajian mencakupi lima domain komunikasi iaitu keyakinan, bahasa, penampilan, teknik penyampaian, dan penyampaian mesej. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapatnya peningkatan skor pada setiap pusingan kajian. Analisis menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan skor ujian pos kedua dengan skor ujian pra. Rumusannya, kemahiran berkomunikasi pelajar telah meningkat secara signifikan dalam setiap domain komunikasi selepas mengikuti dua pusingan pendekatan main peranan. Dapatan juga disokong oleh data temu bual yang menunjukkan pelajar berasa mereka berupaya menggunakan kemahiran lisan dan bukan lisan untuk meyakinkan pihak lain dalam menyampaikan hasrat dan pandangan secara yakin dan berkesan selepas mengikuti program pendekatan main peranan dalam kajian ini. Implikasinya, pendekatan main peranan adalah suatu pendekatan yang efektif dalam pembelajaran kemahiran komunikasi, kerana pendekatan ini memberi ruang selamat untuk pelajar mencuba dan berlatih menggunakan kemahiran-kemahiran komunikasi dalam pengalaman situasi sebenar.
Kata kunci: kemahiran komunikasi, main peranan, keyakinan, bahasa, penampilan, teknik penyampaian, penyampaian mesej
Effective and prudent communication needs to be inculcated so that students can face various levels of society with confidence and be able to meet the needs of future careers. The goal of this research was to improve the communication skills of a group of students at a private university. A total of 14 students were chosen to participate in the planned action research for three weeks. The study's scope includes five communication domains: confidence, language, appearance, delivery techniques, and message delivery. The study method used a two-round role-play teaching approach for a period of three weeks. The study's scope includes five communication domains: confidence, language, appearance, delivery techniques, and message delivery. The study's findings revealed that there was an increase in scores in each round of the study. The analysis revealed a significant difference between the second post test score and the pre test score. In summary, after two rounds of role-playing, students' communication skills improved significantly in each communication domain. The findings are also supported by interview data, which show that students believe they are able to use verbal and nonverbal skills to persuade others in conveying wishes and views confidently and effectively after participating in this study's role-play approach programme. The implication is that the role-play approach is an effective approach in learning communication skills, as this approach provides a safe space for students to try and practice using communication skills in real situational experience.
Keywords: communication skills, role-playing, confidence, language, appearance, delivery technique, message delivery
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