he Complex Influence of School Organizational Culture on Teachers’ Commitment to the Teaching Profesion (Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Sekolah yang Kompleks terhadap Komitmen Guru dalam Profesion Pendidikan)



This study investigated the influence of school organizational culture on public basic school teachers’ commitment to the teaching profession. A total of 300 randomly selected public basic school teachers in the Ashaiman community of Tema, Ghana completed questionnaire, comprising 44 close ended items related to four main constructs derived from the literature. The Cronbach’s alpha was used to test for the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient was 0.86. Data for the study was analysed using means, standard deviations and multiple regression analysis. It was found that though school organizational culture is positively perceived by teachers, it does not directly predict their commitment to the teaching profession. It does so only if it boosts the teachers’ job satisfaction, and also if this satisfaction ignites teachers’ commitment to the school they find themselves in. It is therefore recommended that head masters of basic schools should nurture positive and attractive school organizational culture in their schools. This will in turn bring about teachers’ job satisfaction and commitment to the school. This condition will in the long run lead to the general commitment of teachers to the teaching profession.


Commitment; job satisfaction; school organizational culture; the teaching profession; public basic school

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