Konsep Malaysian Malaysia sebagai Tekanan Politik Mendapatkan Kepentingan Singapura (Malaysian Malaysia Concept as Political Pressure to Obtain Singapore Interests)
This article discusses about Lee Kuan Yew’s goal in initiating the struggle for the concept of Malaysian Malaysia. This concept is set to fight for the construction of a multi-racial nation state and against the dominance of a race. The purpose is to form the unification of all Malaysians which consists of a multiracial community as a one nation. Malaysian Malaysia emerged as the idea of nationstate building which involves the formation of new territories. Although the concept of Malaysian Malaysia is considered as an idea towards the construction of a nation state. In fact, this concept emerged due to the effects of political conflict between the Central Government in Kuala Lumpur and the government of Singapore which is ruled by the PAP. This political conflict has influenced Lee Kuan Yew’s approach to initiate the concept of Malaysian Malaysia. So, the objective of this article is to assess the actual goal which influenced Lee Kuan Yew actions to initiate the struggle of the Malaysian Malaysia concept. This research used a history methodology by analyse the primary sources such as DO 169/527, DO 169/529, DO 169/530 and DO 169/426. The study found that, Lee Kuan Yew’s desire to demand the interests of Singapore and the political interests of PAP has influenced the conflict between Singapore and the Central Government. The concept of Malaysian Malaysia as a provocation and pressure on the Central Government in order to agree to the Singapore demands. Lee Kuan Yew’s desire to restore Singapore’s interests was primarily a factor that led to struggle of the Malaysian Malaysia concept.
Malaysian Malaysia; Lee Kuan Yew; Nation Country; Malaysian Solidarity Convention (MSC); Singapore
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JEBAT : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies,
Center for Research in History, Politics and International Affairs,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
eISSN: 2180-0251
ISSN: 0126-5644