Perkembangan Dasar Sektor Perikanan di Semenanjung Malaysia, 1947-2009 (The Development of Fisheries Sector Policy in Peninsular Malaysia, 1947–2009)
After the Second World War in 1945, economic and social development began to develop. In Peninsular Malaysia, fishing is one of the economic sectors that is recovering, which can be seen based on the development of input and output data trends. The development of fishery sector input data such as the number of fishermen, boats and fishing equipment and output data such as fish landing data and fishery product trade since 1947 to 2009 has reflected the policy objectives implemented by the authorities. Various issues and problems occurred since after the Second World War until 2009 have led to the introduction of various policies by the government to solve the problems that occur and improve the development program of the fisheries sector. This writing uses primary data from the Annual Report of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Malaysia for various years. The time series data is analyzed using Microsoft Excel software to build graphs that can show data trends. The policy introduced by the government will affect the fluctuation of input and output of the fisheries sector in Peninsular Malaysia. The results of data analysis show three main trends in the development of the fisheries sector in Peninsular Malaysia that reflect the influence of policy. The first trend of the early development policy stage with the main objective of modernization of inputs (Fishing gear and boats), the second trend of rapid development of technology and fishing efforts that reflects the policy emphasis to exploit resources on a large scale to meet domestic and foreign demand. The third stage trend is the emergence of the problem of overexploitation, pollution and destruction of the marine environment. At the last level, the emphasis of the policy is to reduce the overexploitation of resources and protect the marine environment. In summary, the government’s policy emphasis during the period 1947-1964 was based on modernization objectives, 1965-1981 emphasis on mass production objectives and 1982-2009 emphasis on resource and environment conservation objectives.
Fisheries Policy; Second World War; Input Trends; Conflict; Fisherman
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JEBAT : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies,
Center for Research in History, Politics and International Affairs,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
eISSN: 2180-0251
ISSN: 0126-5644