Menilai Prioriti Tuntutan Rakyat Dari Perspektif Dasar Awam dan Peranan Wakil Rakyat (An Evaluation of The Priority People’s Demands From Public Policy Perspective and The Role of Elected Representatives)
The article discusses the diversity of demands from people to government. The purpose of the study is to identify the demands and needs from people before transformed into public policy. However, not all demands were fulfilled because the government needs to evaluate its priorities and impacts. The questionnaires were distributed by hand to respondents by a researcher and help by the enumerator to obtain information about people’s demands that channeled to the elected representative before submitted to the government. In the same time, interviews were conducted with the elected representatives by a researcher to obtain the information on people’s problems and demands in their constituencies. The analysis shows the priority demands of people can be categorized into eight sectors: educational, housing, agricultural, animal husbandry, safety, facilities, religious and households. Therefore, the government has introduced various policies to people convenience. Thus, the discussion in this article is based on the public policy's perspective by using the System Theory. In this theory, demands of people are an input that needs to be processed by the political system (government) before being changed into outputs or results as projects, programs and plans that will directly give the impact as outcomes to people’s live either they are satisfied or otherwise. Therefore, the feedback from the citizens is very important for the government to enhance the quality of the implemented policies.
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JEBAT : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies,
Center for Research in History, Politics and International Affairs,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
eISSN: 2180-0251
ISSN: 0126-5644