Persepsi Belia Terhadap Etos Bangsa: Kajian di Lembah Kelang (Perceptions of Youth on the National Ethos: Studies in Kelang Valley)



ABSTRAK: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi belia terhadap etos bangsa. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 400 responden yang dipilih sekitar Lembah Kelang. Data kajian diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS. Untuk itu, statistik deskriptif seperti frekuensi, peratusan, min, statistik jadual silang (cross tabulation) dan correlation coefficient digunakan bagi menerangkan latar belakang responden dan persepsi belia terhadap etos bangsa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan persepsi belia terhadap etos bangsa adalah baik. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan penerimaan belia terhadap etos bangsa iaitu daripada segi nilai, semangat, kepercayaan dan identiti adalah tinggi.

Kata kunci: Belia; etos bangsa; nilai; semangat; kepercayaan; identiti


ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the youth perception on the national ethos. About 400 respondents around Kelang Valley were selected to participate in this study. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, statistical cross tabulation and the correlation coefficient were used to describe the background of the respondents and the perception of youth on the national ethos. The results showed that the youth perception on the national ethos was good. The findings also indicated the youth acceptance of the national ethos in terms of value, belief and identity was high.

Keywords: Youth; national ethos; values; spirit, believe; identity

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