PENGALAMAN REMAJA DI RUMAH PERLINDUNGAN DAN PERUBAHAN DALAM MAKNA HIDUP (The Experience of Teens at Shelter Home and the Changes in the Meaning of Life)

Siti Marziah Zakaria, Nur Afifah Zulkifli


Pusat Bimbingan Raudhatus Sakinah (RS) telah ditubuhkan untuk menyediakan satu ruang menasihati dan membimbing gadis-gadis yang bermasalah. Ramai daripada gadis tersebut datang dengan masalah seperti keluarga yang berpecah pelah, sejarah penderaan seksual daripada ahli keluarga, ketagihan pornografi, dan terlibat dalam aktiviti seksual luar nikah. Di RS, pelatih bukan hanya diberikan tempat tinggal yang selamat dan selesa, tetapi juga diberikan penekanan kepada aspek spiritual. Satu siri temubual separa berstruktur telah dijalankan selama sebulan bagi mendapatkan input kajian. Sebanyak sepuluh (10) soalan temu bual telah ditentukan terlebih dahulu. Berdasarkan kepada persampelan purposif, penyelidik memilih tujuh (7) orang subjek di Pusat Bimbingan Raudhatus Sakinah untuk terlibat dalam kajian. Objektif kajian adalah untuk meneroka pengalaman subjek di RS dan untuk menilai perubahan pada makna hidup. Kajian mendapati bahawa subjek telah mengalami pelbagai pengalaman positif di dalam RS, terutamanya pengalaman-pengalaman spiritual. Tema-tema yang dapat dikeluarkan daripada pengalaman mereka ialah: 1. belajar solat dan puasa, 2. membaca Al-Quran dengan betul, 3. kenal Allah. Berkenaan dengan perubahan dalam makna hidup, mereka menyedari bahawa kehidupan adalah sesuatu yang berbeza daripada apa yang mereka tahu sebelum ini. Mereka menyatakan bahawa makna-makna baharu hidup adalah; 1. Kehidupan mempunyai tujuan, 2. Manusia adalah khalifah, 3. Dekat dengan Allah. Dapatan-dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa subjek telah mengalami transformasi spiritual sebagai kesan daripada latihan dan bimbingan dalam RS. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka bimbang jika tidak dapat beristiqamah dalam membuat kebaikan dan tetap dengan prinsip mereka setelah keluar dari RS.  Oleh itu, sokongan berterusan dan bimbingan masih diperlukan untuk menghadapi cabaran-cabaran dan tekanan daripada persekitaran yang negatif. 


Raudhatus Sakinah (RS) Guidance Centre was set up to provide a space to counsel and to guide disruptive girls. Many of the girls come with problems ranging from a broken family, history of sexual abuse from family members, pornography addiction and involvement in illegitimate sexual activities. At the RS, residents have not only been provided a safe and comfortable place to stay but have also been given an emphasis on the spiritual aspects. A series of semi-structured interviews were carried out for a month to get the input for the study. A total of ten (10) interview questions have been pre-determined. Based on the purposive sampling, the researcher selected seven (7) subjects at the Raudhatus Sakinah (RS) Guidance Centre to participate in the study. The objectives of the study were to explore the experience of the subjects at RS and to assess the changes in the meaning of life. The study found that the subjects have experienced many positive experiences in the RS, especially spiritual experiences. The themes that could be extracted from their experiences were: learning prayers and fasting, and reciting the Quran correctly and getting to know God. In term of the changes in the meaning of life, they realized that life is something different from what they have known before.  They claimed that the new meanings of life are:  life has a purpose, human is the vicegerent of Allah, and should be close to Him. The findings of this study showed that the subjects have undergone a spiritual transformation as a result of the training and guidance in the RS. However, they were worried if they could not be consistent in becoming righteous and adhere to their principle once they left RS. Therefore, continuous support and guidance are still needed to overcome challenges and pressures from the bad environment.

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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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