Abu Zahrin Syaidatun Nazirah, Rezki Perdani Sawai, Joki Perdani Sawai, Zaizul Ab.Rahman, Mohamad Zaki Samsudin


Higher education community faces a variety of challenges in teaching and learning following the imposition of the Movement Control Order during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study describes the history of the development of the Covid-19 pandemic for better understanding of its outbreak, explains emotion, mental and spiritual regulation processes during and after Covid-19, and discusses the importance of emotion regulation in improving mental health. This study also provides the mechanisms to help individuals regulate their mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions post Covid-19. Emotional, mental, and spiritual regulation are important in overcoming the challenges during and following the Covid-19 pandemic.  This study serves as a guidance for policy makers, leaders, academics and higher education staff in preparing action plans and interventions to help individuals in regulating their emotion, mental and spiritual health following the foreseeable end of the Covid-19 pandemic. The conceptual understanding presented in this study forms the framework for future empirical research


Regulation; Covid-19; psychology; higher education

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