Relational Dialectics Approach in Overcoming Contradiction and Self-Image Management of COVID-19 Survivors

Darajat Wibawa, Dasrun Hidayat, Gartika Rahmasari, Dewi Kurniawati, Sri Hayati


Not all COVID-19 survivors are ready to return to the community. Some of them choose to isolate themselves. This action is based on fears of rejection from the community. This study focuses on the contradictions and self-image of COVID-19 survivors. This study aims to analyse communication experience and the relationship between COVID-19 survivors and their surroundings. The aspects being analysed include motives, rejection, and efforts done by COVID-19 survivors in shaping their self-image using an ethnographic study involving six COVID-19 survivors from various provinces in Indonesia, including Bali, West Sumatera, North Sumatera, East Borneo, and West Java. Research informants were determined by purposive and snowball sampling, and the criteria was having been a COVID patient and being willing to be an informant. Data was collected through interviews and literature review. The results of the interviews were analysed in three stages. It was discovered that a contradictory motive exists in the form of a bad assumption that COVID-19 survivors can still transmit the virus. This is due to the fact that the public is not fully aware of COVID-19 and knowledgeable about it. It was also found that the communication action was successful in overcoming contradictions and restoring the self-image of COVID-19 survivors. The results of the study are expected to contribute to the restoration of self-image and the sustainability of the relationship between COVID-19 survivors and the surrounding environment.


Keywords: Self-image, relational dialectics, ethnography, communicative act, contradiction.

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