Perspektif Global Terhadap Perlindungan Pengguna Melalui Undang-undang Keselamatan Makanan

Ramalinggam Rajamanickam, Thiyagu Ganeson, Nitya Ravindran


Food is a basic requirement for all habitats in the world. However, in the arena of globalization foods become more complex and complications with several of chemicals which are dangerous to humans. There are many food safety issues debated as global issues such as virus in raw materials, method of processing which not complied with the law or fast food with less nutritious. One of the main consumer rights is to get safe products and services. Generally, the manufacturers have their own duties to provide safe food products to consumers. However, the problem of food safety has never been missing views in the mass media throughout the country. Since 2006, Malaysians have seen a variety of consumer product safety scandals in Malaysia and international starting with food poisoning in schools and recently E-coli, the king of death to the user who prefers vegetables. The question is whether the producer giving priority to product safety and consumer welfare. Thus, this writing will focus on two main issues. Firstly, will review how the role of international instruments to address issues related to food safety and whether existing legislation is sufficient to solve the problem? Secondly, the review of domestic legislation in several countries such as UK, Australia, China, Malaysia and India to know whether the legislation is adequate for the welfare and interests of consumers in the aspect of food safety. Finally, this writing will address the shortcomings of the food safety aspects and comprehensive and drastic steps to overcome the issues that result from unsafe food products and hazardous to health in Malaysia


consumer, food, food safety, legislation

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