The Effectiveness of the School Based-Cooperative Problem Based Learning (SB-CPBL) Model in Improving Students' Achievement in Science (Keberkesanan Model Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah Berasaskan Sekolah (SB-CPBL) dalam Meningkatkan Pencapaian Pelajar dalam Sains)
School Based-Cooperative Problem-Based Learning (SB-CPBL) model is a model that integrates Problem-Based Learning and Cooperative Learning towards becoming more student-centered. This study elucidates the effectiveness of the SB-CPBL model on 8th-grade students' achievement in science. The study was conducted in King Abdullah II School for Excellence in Jordan using four classes, assigned as experimental and control groups. The quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group pre-test/post-test design was used, with a sample of 120 students from both genders. Two classes (60 students) were selected randomly as an experimental group learning via the SB-CPBL Module, while the other two classes (60 students) that assigned as the control group followed their teacher’s usual approach of teaching. A treatment period of 6 weeks was used in this research. A science achievement test was employed to measure the differences in the dependent variable quantitatively. Data analyses confirmed that the SB-CPBL students had higher scores in the achievement post-test relative to their counterparts in the traditional group. Also, the results showed that the difference between the SB-CPBL module and traditional teaching methods is not dependent on the achievement levels of the students. The analysis showed significant main effects of gender in the context of achievement. The findings implicate that SB-CPBL can help in providing meaningful science education that meets the needs of the students in the 21st century.
Keywords: school based-cooperative problem-based learning; cooperative problem-based learning; problem-based learning; cooperative learning; science education
Model Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah Kooperatif Berasaskan Sekolah (SB-CPBL) merupakan model yang mengintegrasikan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah dan Pembelajaran Koperatif ke arah menjadi lebih berpusatkan pelajar. Kajian ini menjelaskan keberkesanan model SB-CPBL terhadap pencapaian pelajar gred 8 dalam subjek sains di King Abdullah II School for Excellence di Jordan. Reka bentuk eksperimen kuasi dengan ujian pra dan pasca kumpulan kawalan tidak setara digunakan, dengan sampel 120 pelajar dari kedua-dua jantina. Dua kelas (60 pelajar) dipilih secara rawak sebagai kumpulan eksperimen melalui Modul SB-CPBL, sementara dua kelas lain (60 pelajar) sebagai kumpulan kawalan mengikuti pendekatan pengajaran biasa. Tempoh rawatan selama 6 minggu digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini. Ujian pencapaian sains digunakan untuk mengukur perbezaan pemboleh ubah bersandar secara kuantitatif. Analisis data mengesahkan bahawa pelajar SB-CPBL mempunyai skor yang lebih tinggi dalam pencapaian ujian pasca berbanding dengan rakan mereka dalam kumpulan tradisional. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa perbezaan antara modul SB-CPBL dan kaedah pengajaran tradisional tidak bergantung pada tahap pencapaian pelajar. Analisis menunjukkan kesan utama utama jenatina dalam konteks pencapaian. Hasil kajian mengimplikasikan bahawa SB-CPBL dapat membantu dalam memberikan pendidikan sains yang bermakna yang memenuhi keperluan pelajar pada abad ke-21.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran berasaskan masalah koperatif berasaskan Sekolah; pembelajaran berasaskan masalah koperatif; pembelajaran berasaskan masalah; pembelajaran koperatif; pendidikan sains
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