Validity and Reliability of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS) Instrument (Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS)
In social science research, statistics play an imperative role. However, social science students’ attitude towards statistics is not widely investigated. This cross-sectional survey validated the Survey of Attitude towards Statistics 28 (SATS-28) instrument, which contains 27 items, in the context of 143 graduate students. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to determine the compatibility of the hypothetical measurement model with the data obtained and to determine the model’s construct reliability. All factors were successfully replicated in the Malaysian sample. From the initial model, 13 items with low factor loading index were dropped to achieve a good fit, leaving the final model with 14 items within four constructs, which are Affect, Cognitive Competence, Difficulty, and Value. The final model resulted in a lower chi-square (107.455) and AIC (203.455) values, while a higher PNFI value (0.599). Other than that, the cut off value of CFI (0.956) was increased. The RMSEA value (0.050) also fulfilled the suggested threshold of <0.08. Findings also revealed that Construct Reliability (CR) of the final model was acceptable, which ranges from 0.70 to 0.80. The findings implicate that the model is valid and suitable to evaluate Malaysian student’s attitudes towards statistics. It is suggested that similar studies be done on other extended models of the SAT's instrument.
Key Words: Measurement model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Statistics anxiety, Survey of Attitude towards Statistics
Dalam penyelidikan sains sosial, statistik memainkan peranan penting. Walau bagaimanapun, sikap pelajar sains sosial terhadap statistik tidak banyak dikaji. Tinjauan keratan rentas ini mengesahkan instrumen Tinjauan Sikap Terhadap Statistik 28 (SATS-28), yang mengandungi 27 item, dalam konteks 143 pelajar siswazah. Analisis Faktor Pengesahan (CFA) digunakan untuk menentukan kesesuaian model pengukuran hipotetikal dengan data yang diperoleh dan untuk menentukan kebolehpercayaan konstruk model. Semua faktor berjaya dicerminkan dalam sampel Malaysia. Dari model awal, 13 item dengan indeks pemuatan faktor rendah digugurkan untuk mencapai kesesuaian, meninggalkan model akhir dengan 14 item dalam empat konstruk, iaitu Afek, Kompetensi Kognitif, Kesukaran, dan Nilai. Model akhir menghasilkan nilai chi-square (107.455) dan AIC (203.455) yang lebih rendah, sementara nilai PNFI yang lebih tinggi (0.599). Selain itu, nilai penanda aras CFI (0.956) dinaikkan. Nilai RMSEA (0.050) juga melepasi penanda aras <0.08. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa Kebolehpercayaan Konstruk (CR) model akhir dapat diterima, yang berkisar antara 0.70 hingga 0.80. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa model yang dihasilkan sah dan sesuai untuk menilai sikap pelajar Malaysia terhadap statistik. Disarankan agar kajian serupa dilakukan pada model instrumen SATS yang lain.
Kata Kunci: Model pengukuran, Analisis Faktor Pengesahan, kebimbangan statistik, Survey of Attitude towards Statistics
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