RELIGIOSITI SEBAGAI FAKTOR MEDIASI TINGKAH LAKU KERJA MUSLIM (Religiosity as a Mediation Factor of Muslim Work Behavior)

Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan, Kharul Anwar Mastor, Hasnan Kasan, Firdaus Mohd Hamzah


sorotan literatur mendapati bahawa tiada perkaitan yang jelas dan empirikal antara religiositi, personaliti dan tingkah laku kerja Muslim. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara empirikal hubungan antara personaliti, religiositi dan tingkah laku kerja dalam kalangan pentadbir Muslim di universiti awam Malaysia. tiga instrument digunakan dalam pengukuran pembolehubah kajian iaitu nEo Five Factor inventory (NEO FFI), Muslim Religiosity Personality inventory (MRPI) dan inventori tingkah laku Kerja Muslim (itKM). Responden terdiri daripada 228 orang pentadbir dari lima institusi pengajian tinggi awam tempatan. Analisis korelasi, regresi dan mediasi digunakan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan antara ketiga-tiga pembolehubah tersebut. Analisis korelasi antara ketiga-tiga pembolehubah mendapati bahawa hanya tret personaliti neuroticism (r = -.21), Extraversion (r = .19) dan Conscientiousness (r = .22) mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan religiositi. Ketiga-tiga tret ini juga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkah laku Kerja Muslim. tret neuroticism (r = -.32), Extraversion (r = .29) dan Conscientiousness (r = .22) juga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahawa tret neuroticism, Extraversion, dan religiositi adalah faktor peramal kepada tingkah laku kerja Muslim secara signifikan [F(3,224) = 22.31, p < .05]. Analisis mediasi menunjukkan religiositi menjadi separa-perantara secara signifikan antara tret neuroticism dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim (B = -0.29; CI = -0.65 hingga -0.85) dan antara tret Extraversion dengan tingkah laku kerja Muslim (B = 0.28; CI= 0.08 hingga 0.58). Kajian ini mengesahkan peranan religiositi sebagai perantara kepada personaliti dan tingkah laku kerja Muslim serta menunjukkan kepentingan religiositi dalam mencorakkan tingkah laku kerja dalam kalangan pentadbir Muslim di universiti-universiti awam.

Literature review shows that there is no clear relationship between religiosity, personality and Muslim work behavior empirically. This research is aiming to determine the empirical relationship between personality, religiosity and work behavior among Muslim administrators in the Malaysian public universities. Three instruments were used to assess the variables in the research, which are the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO FFI), the Muslim Religiosity-Personality Inventory (MRPI) and the Muslim Work Behavior Inventory (MWBI). Respondents were among 228 administrators from five local public universities. Correlation, regression and mediation analyses were used to determine the relationship between the variables in this study. Correlation analysis between the three variables indicate that Neuroticism (r = -.21), Extraversion (r = .19) and Conscientiousness (r = .22) have a significant relationship with religiosity. Analysis also indicate that Neuroticism (r = -.32), Extraversion (r = .29) and Conscientiousness (r = .22) have significant relationship with Muslim work behaviors. Multiple regression analysis shows that Neuroticism, Extraversion and religiosity contributed significantly towards Muslim work behavior [F (3,224) =22.31, p < 0.05]. Results of the mediation analysis confirmed the mediating role of religiosity in the relation between Neuroticism and Muslim work behavior (B = -0.29; CI = -0.65 to -0.85), and suggesting a partialmediation (B = -1.21, t (226) = -4.21, p = 0.00). Religiosity also mediates the relation between Extraversion and Muslim work behavior (B = 0.28; CI = 0.08 to 0.58), and suggesting a partial-mediation (B = 1.08, t (226) = 3.69, p = 0.00). In conclusion, the research confirmed the role of religiosity as a mediator to personality and Muslim work behavior, thus affirming the importance of religiosity in shaping work behavior of Muslim administrators in the public universities.

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