Main Peteri: The Physical Movement of Tok ‘Teri Pak Mat Jedok through Laban Movement Analysis (Analisis Pergerakan Fizikal Tok Teri Pak Mat Jedok Menggunakan Analisis Gerakan Laban)



ABSTRACT: This paper examines the movement qualities and the inner attitude of the body movement in the performance of a Main Peteri healing ritual through Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). Main ‘Teri is a Malay traditional healing ritual which is traditionally performed to heal illnesses that are related to possession by disease-causing spirits (hantu), the weakening or loss of a person’s soul-substance (semangat), and the concept of angin (literal translation: wind) which is related to one’s desires. The Main Peteri performance is popular among Kelantanese audiences and audiences from other Malaysian states. The person chosen for this study is Pak Mat Jedok, one of the prominent Malay traditional healers known as a Tok ‘Teri or Bomoh ‘Teri from Kelantan, who had many years of experience performing this art throughout Malaysia. He is known to have a very distinctive style when performing Main Peteri. Yet, a systematic study of his body movement has to be done. The main purpose of this study is to identify and describe the dynamics of the inner attitude of Pak Mat Jedok’s body movement using LMA. Hence, observation and recorded performance of Pak Mat Jedok performing Main Peteri made during the fieldwork in 2016 at Kampung Gual Jedok, Tanah Merah, Kelantan, were used for the analysis. This study uses the Effort framework from LMA with motion factors of Flow, Time, and Space. The finding reveals the inner attitude of Pak Mat’s movements within the said framework, which systematically explains a specific “drive”.

Keywords: Dance; ethnochoreology; laban movement analysis; Main Peteri; theatre


ABSTRAK: Dalam kajian ini, kualiti gerakan dan sikap dalaman melalui persembahan ritual penyembuhan Main Peteri dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Gerakan Laban (LMA). Main ‘Teri adalah ritual penyembuhan Melayu yang biasanya digunakan untuk merawat penyakit yang berkaitan dengan roh jahat (hantu), lemah atau hilang semangat seseorang. Personaliti Tok ‘Teri atau Bomoh ‘Teri yang menjadi subjek dalam penyelidikan ini dikenali sebagai Pak Mat Jedok, seorang penyembuh tradisional Melayu terkenal, berasal dari Kelantan. Walaupun Main Teri terkenal dalam kalangan masyarakat di Kelantan khususnya, masih kurang hasil kajian yang mencerakinkan tentang gerakan badan secara spesifik. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kajian ini meliputi pemerhatian dan rakaman daripada persembahan Pak Mat Jedok ketika mengendalikan upacara ritual perubatan. Pergerakan yang dilakukan oleh beliau dianalisis menggunakan konsep Analisis Gerakan Laban, terdiri daripada tiga elemen gerakan iaitu Aliran, Masa dan Ruang. Hasil dapatan kajian ini dapat menyimpulkan bahawa setiap pergerakan yang dilakukan oleh Pak Mat Jedok mempunyai dorongan-dorongan yang tertentu.

Kata kunci: Tarian; etnokoreologi; analisis gerakan Laban; Main Peteri; teater

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ISSN 2289-1706 | e-ISSN : 2289-4268 

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Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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