Isu Perbandaran dan Kualiti Hidup Penduduk Pinggir Bandar



ABSTRAK: Bandar dan pinggir bandar merupakan dua pusat yang saling memerlukan dalam usaha memastikan perbandaran yang dirancang memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat pinggiran yang menerima secara positif impak rebakan yang berlaku. Ketepuan tanah bandar akibat kerancakan pertumbuhan pembangunan di kawasan bandar tidak lagi mampu menampung aktiviti pembangunan yang dirancang. Pinggir bandar merupakan tadahan perbandaran dan kawasan paling sesuai dalam menampung percambahan penempatan bandar sama ada bagi pembangunan pentadbiran, pendidikan, perindustrian, kediaman, pusat perniagaan dan komersial yang telah dirancang untuk masa hadapan. Transformasi kawasan pinggiran kepada penstrukturan bandar merupakan fenomena biasa akibat pertumbuhan pesat kota metropolitan yang membangun sekaligus memberi kesan limpahan penempatan di pinggir bandar. Malah rebakan pembangunan di pinggir bandar juga mampu meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat sekitarnya. Kemudahan infrastruktur perbandaran, pengukuhan kehidupan sosial antara masyarakat, kurangnya kesesakan lalu lintas, udara segar dan nyaman merupakan aset-aset yang masih boleh dinikmati di pinggir bandar. Namun proses pembangunan yang sedang rancak dilaksanakan dalam menggarab kemajuan mempertikaikan nasib kedudukan penduduk pinggir bandar yang tinggal berhampiran bandar. Pembangunan yang tidak terancang mengakibatkan ancaman kualiti hidup masyarakat pinggiran walaupun terdapat keupayaan limpahan perbandaran ke kawasan pinggiran menjanjikan perubahan kualiti hidup yang lebih baik. Kesan ‘cultural shock’ sama ada negatif atau positif akibat perubahan pembangunan ini sekiranya tidak diuruskan dengan sebaik mungkin akan mengundang pelbagai masalah kepada masyarakat pinggir bandar. Masalah perbandaran yang tidak terkawal akan menular di pinggiran yang mengakibatkan peningkatan gejala sosial yang merosakkan ketamadunan manusia, pelbagai masalah jenayah yang semakin sukar dibendung, isu-isu pencemaran alam sekitar, banjir kilat, kenaikan harga hartanah dan pencerobohan penggunaan tanah serta kesesakan lalu lintas. Malah apa yang paling dikesali adalah ancaman kepupusan monumen dan tinggalan tradisi masyarakat Melayu pinggir bandar selain ancamam kualiti hidup masyarakat pinggir bandar itu sendiri. Nasib kehidupan penduduk pinggir bandar bagi memastikan kualiti hidup mereka akan bertambah baik dalam pencerobohan pembangunan adalah masih kabur dan tidak dapat ditentukan dengan tepat. Namun begitu, apapun perubahan yang berlaku di persekitaran pinggiran, penduduk pinggir bandar sudah pasti mengharapkan kehidupan seharian mereka dapat dilalui dengan lebih sempurna seiring dengan peningkatan kualiti hidup yang lebih baik dan berterusan.

Kata kunci: rebakan perbandaran, pinggir bandar, kualiti hidup


ABSTRACT: Urban and suburban areas are two main centres which depend on one another in the effort of ensuring that the planned town would give benefit to the suburban community who received the impact positively towards urbanisation. The dense population in the city is due to the growing number of development in the city that could no longer able to support more activities on planned development. The shift into the suburban area is another alternative of managing the robust settlement in the city as it is the most suitable place in order to accommodate the increasing number of settlement of the city center for the development in administration, education, industrial. housing, retails and commercial centres which have been planned for the future. The transformation of suburban area into structural city is a common phenomenon due to rapid growth of the metropolitan area that results in overflow of settlements in the outskirt of the city. Moreover, the growth of development in the suburban areas can increase the standard of living of the surrounding community. The infrastructure facilities of the city, strengthening the social life between the people in the society, reducing the congestion of traffic, fresh air and serenity are among the assets which could still be enjoyed in the suburban areas. However, the development process which is actively implemented in order to gain advancement, has denied the position of the suburban community who live just outskirt of the city. The unplanned development has endangered the quality of life of the suburban community although there is the capability in transferring the development of the city to the suburban area that could change the quality of life of the people for the better. The effect can cause a ˜culture shock” whether negative or positive due to the changes in the development, and if not managed carefully may lead to greater problems for the suburban people. The complication of uncontrolled urbanisation can spread to the suburban areas which can lead to increasing social ills that may harm human civilisation, increase in crimes that are difficult to control, increasing issues of environment pollution, flash flood, the rise in prices of real estates and intrusion of land use as well as traffic congestion. In fact, the most regrettable matter is the threat of extinction of monuments and the remaining Malays tradition of the suburban areas aside from the threat on the quality of life of the suburban community, respectively. The fate of the life of the suburban community in ensuring the betterment of their own quality of life due to the intrusion of the development is still unclear and unable to be determined precisely. Nevertheless, any changes that occur to the suburban areas, the population of the respective areas certainly bear hopes that they would go through their daily life in the best condition in line with a better and sustainable quality of life.

Key words: spread of urbanisation, urban fringe, quality of life

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