Building Purchase Interest Through Instagram Content: Analysis Of @Mrocoffee Account

Wibawa Prasetya, Yovi Bathesta, Hicksan Zahar, Alfilonia Harwinda


With the increasing use of social media, businesses will leverage platforms such as Instagram to offer their products to potential customers. The specific impact of content on purchasing interest and decision-making remains relatively underexplored, especially in the context of Instagram accounts for businesses like @mrocoffee. This study aims to explore the relationship between the Instagram content of @mrocoffee and customer purchasing interest and decision-making. The research method employs quantitative surveys among followers/customers. The quantitative survey will measure purchasing interest and decision-making. Data processing uses Smart PLS. The study results indicate that visual appeal, storytelling, and interaction with followers through interactive content can significantly influence purchasing interest and decision-making at Mr. O Coffee. Additionally, update frequency and message consistency also play an important role in sustaining purchasing interest and decision-making. Practical Recommendations: Content strategy optimization on Instagram should focus on visually appealing and interactive posts, integrating storytelling elements, and maintaining regular interaction with followers. Additionally, leveraging user-generated content and collaborating with influencers can enhance brand visibility and credibility. Academic Recommendations: Further research is needed to delve into the aspects of Instagram content and its impact on consumer behavior across various industries.

Keywords: social media, purchasing interest, decision-making, @mrocoffee, Smart PLS


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