The Changing Trends in The Live Streaming of Indonesian Political Debate

Chory Angela Wijayanti, Gatut Priyowidodo


The year 2024 will be an important year in the political history of Indonesia, with the holding of general elections (Pemilu). These elections and democracy became a test of the independence and credibility of the media in implementing their political journalism. Narasi TV shows this through its "Musyawarah Nobar Debat Cawapres 2024" program. Targeting youth audiences, Narasi TV use an innovative diversifying programming, by packaging a live stream of presidential debates in a new model and broadcasting via Najwa Shihab’s YouTube channel. There is also a “fact-checking,” where the research team will immediately check the accuracy and truth of the statements during the debate. This can help to attract young audiences who may be looking for fresh and exciting content. This is the answer to criticism of live broadcast programs that are often boring to watch. Narasi TV also presents Najwa Shihab, Andovi Da Lopez, and Jovial Da Lopez, which are fresh collaborators in creating journalistic content. Narasi TV also invites speakers from each candidate team, to explore the debate that suits the characteristics of young voters. A checklist guides is also provided for audiences, to assist them in assessing the credibility of presidential candidate. This shows a changing trend from the media when streaming political debates live and stage it as a new mode of online participation. This is Narasi's concern, to take full advantage of the functions of the Internet and social media to drive the Net Generation, without losing opportunities to gain commercial profits.

Keywords: Changing; trend; Narasi TV; live streaming; Indonesia; political debate


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