Hubungan Identiti Moral dan Emosi Moral terhadap Pelepasan Moral mengenai Tindakan Salah laku Moral Mahasiswa Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi

Adib Syazwan Khalili, Muhamad Ajib Abd Razak, Nasrudin Subhi, Chong Sheau Tsuey, Salina Nen


Proses pelepasan moral membantu individu mengurangkan rasa bersalah atau rasa malu akibat tindakan tidak bermoral yang dilakukan. Namun, terdapat kekurangan dalam penyelidikan tempatan mengenai bagaimana mekanisme pelepasan moral berfungsi dalam konteks psikologi sosial dan moraliti di Malaysia. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan identiti moral dan emosi moral adakah berkait terhadap pelepasan moral untuk tingkah laku pelanggaran moral. Kajian ini berfokuskan kepada mahasiswa UKM yang melanjutkan pelajaran dan menginap di kolej penginapan di UKM, Bangi. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kajian kuantitatif. data kajian dikumpulkan melalui borang soal selidik Seramai 200 mahasiswa UKM dari pelbagai latar belakang telah terlibat untuk menjawab soal selidik yang diberikan. Majoriti responden merupakan lepasan Sarjana Muda dan berumur dalam lingkungan 22 tahun. Hasil data soal selidik dianalisis secara empirikal melalui aplikasi SPSS dan hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat hubungan positif antara tahap identiti moral dan pelepasan moral, manakala terdapat juga hubungan positif antara emosi moral dan pelepasan moral dalam kalangan mahasiswa UKM. Dapatan kajian ini boleh menjadi panduan dalam melihat hubungan perkaitan identiti moral dan emosi moral terhadap pelepasan moral seseorang memandangkan kurangnya kajian berkaitan moraliti seperti pelepasan moral yang dikaji. Kesimpulan kajian ini membincangkan dan mencadangkan beberapa langkah intervensi yang boleh dilakukan dalam memberi kesedaran mengenai implikasi pelepasan moral seterusnya mengelakkan tingkah laku pelanggaran moral dalam kalangan mahasiswa dan masyarakat. Di samping menggalakkan banyak lagi pengkaji psikologi dan kaunseling untuk melakukan penyelidikan mengenai aspek moraliti.

Kata kunci: Identiti moral; emosi; moral; tindakan salah laku;mahasiswa

Abstract: The mechanism of moral disengagement allows individuals to lessen feelings of guilt or shame stemming from immoral actions. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of local research on the functioning of moral disengagement mechanisms within the framework of social psychology and morality in Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between moral identity and moral emotions, and whether they are associated with moral disengagement in the context of moral misconduct. The study targets UKM students who are pursuing their studies and residing in the residential colleges at UKM, Bangi. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach, with data collected through a questionnaire that included one demographic section and three sections examining different variables. A total of 200 UKM students from various backgrounds participated in the study and responded to the questionnaire. Most respondents were undergraduate students, with the majority being around 22 years old. The survey data were analyzed empirically using SPSS software. The findings revealed a positive relationship between the level of moral identity and moral disengagement. Additionally, there was a positive relationship between moral emotions and moral disengagement among UKM students. The results of this study can serve as a guide to understanding the relationship between moral identity, moral emotions, and moral disengagement. Given the lack of research on aspects of morality such as moral disengagement, these findings are particularly valuable. The conclusion of the study discusses and suggests several intervention steps that can be taken to raise awareness about the implications of moral disengagement, thereby preventing moral misconduct among students and the broader community. It also encourages more psychological and counseling researchers to explore various aspects of morality in their future research.

Keywords: Moral Identity; emotions; morality; misconduct; university students


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