Indigenous Language Advertising on Radio: Perceptions of MTN Subscribers about Setswana Radio Commercials in Mahikeng, South Africa
Indigenous languages serve as vital communication systems, influencing actions in various contexts. In South Africa, with 12 official languages, marketers must strategically select the language that resonates with their target audience. Research has highlighted the impact of English's dominance on indigenous languages, particularly in radio advertising, and how brand managers in multilingual settings utilise code-switching for effective communication. However, there is a gap in understanding indigenous language speakers' views on their languages' usage in radio commercials. This study focused on MTN subscribers' perceptions of the use of Setswana in radio advertisements and the challenges they face while listening to them. Employing perception theory, the research utilised a mixed-method approach, distributing 216 questionnaires to MTN subscribers in Mahikeng and conducting focus group discussions with 24 participants. The study aimed to assess Setswana's perceptions in radio ads and identify associated challenges. Findings showed that familiarity with a language fosters brand trust and credibility, ultimately enhancing economic performance in multilingual countries like South Africa. The study revealed key challenges, such as a lack of skilled voice actors fluent in Setswana and the rapid pace of indigenous language radio commercials, which impede comprehension. According to the study’s findings, we advocate for increased use of indigenous languages in radio commercials to better connect with diverse audiences and improve brand engagement.
Keywords: Setswana; indigenous language; radio advertisement; advertisers; brands
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