Profil Demografi dan Sokongan Sosial dalam Kalangan People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) di Lembah Klang (Demographic Profile and Social Support Among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in Klang Valley)

Najwa Afiqa Roshaizad, Firdaus Mukhtar, Sindhu Nair Mohan, Normala Ibrahim, Nasrudin Subhi


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) adalah virus yang menyerang sistem imun dalam badan manusia dan penghidap HIV positif (PLHIV) perlu bergantung kepada ubat-ubatan seumur hidup bagi menjalani kehidupan seperti manusia yang normal. Kebergantungan kepada ubat HIV banyak memberikan kesan negatif kepada mereka samada dari segi kelesuan fizikal, emosi, kewangan serta perubahan rutin. Maka, sokongan sosial adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting bagi mereka dalam berhadapan dengan situasi ini dan seterusnya meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka profil demografi serta tahap sokongan sosial yang diterima oleh PLHIV di Lembah Klang. Seramai 165 orang peserta yang menyertai kajian berbentuk keratan rentas ini. Kaedah pensampelan bertujuan digunakan dan melibatkan responden yang berumur 18 hingga 60 tahun. Bahagian pertama soal selidik melibatkan bahagian demografi (penempatan, jantina, umur, bangsa, status perkahwinan, tahap pendidikan, pekerjaan, tempoh menghidap HIV, cara transmisi HIV, tempoh rawatan HAART, penyakit selain HIV) dan bahagian kedua ialah soal selidik Skala Multidimensional untuk Sokongan Sosial (MSPSS-M). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa 94.5% responden adalah lelaki dan majoriti - 32.1% dalam lingkungan umur 40 hingga 50 tahun. Cara transmisi HIV melalui hubungan seksual adalah yang paling tinggi iaitu 49.1% berbanding penggunaan jarum, 44.2%. Selain itu, kajian menunjukkan tahap sokongan sosial yang diterima oleh responden adalah tinggi - 50.9%, 38.2% mendapat sokongan sosial yang sederhana dan hanya 10.9% mendapat sokongan sosial yang rendah. Justeru, tahap sokongan sosial bagi golongan PLHIV menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik namun perlu diperhalusi dengan lebih teliti dalam usaha menurunkan stigma kendiri serta meningkatkan keyakinan diri PLHIV agar kehidupan mereka lebih baik secara keseluruhannya.

Kata kunci: HIV; PLHIV; demografik; sokongan sosial; HAART

Abstract : Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system in the human body, and people living with HIV (PLHIV) need to rely on lifelong medication to lead a life similar to that of a normal people. Dependence on HIV medication has many negative effect on idividuals, including physical fatigue, emotional strain, financial strain, and changes in routines. Hence, social support is crucial for them to cope with this situation and improve their quality of life. This study aims to explore the demographic profile and level of social support received by PLHIV in the Klang Valley. A total of 165 participants took part in this cross-sectional study. A purposive sampling method was used, involving respondents aged 18 to 60 years. The first part of the questionnaire involved demographic information (location, gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, education level, occupation, duration of HIV infection, mode of HIV transmission, duration of HAART treatment, other illnesses besides HIV), and the second part was the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS-M) questionnaire. The study found that 94.5% of respondents were male, with the majority 32.1% in the age range of 40 to 50 years. The most common mode of HIV transmission was through sexual contact, accounting for 49.1% compared to needle use - 44.2%. Additionally, the study revealed that the level of social support received by respondents was high - 50.9%, 38.2% received moderate social support, and only 10.9% received low social support. Therefore, the level of social support for PLHIV shows a positive trend but needs to be further refined in efforts to reduce self-stigma and enhance the confidence of PLHIV for an overall better quality of life.

Keywords: HIV; PLHIV; demographic; social support; HAART


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