Keperluan Tidak Penuhi dalam kalangan Penjaga Warga Emas Uzur (Unmet Needs among Frail Elderly Caregivers)

Norisma Aiza Ismail, Khadijah Alavi, Aizan Sofia Amin


Menjaga Warga emas uzur (WEU) di rumah boleh memberi pelbagai cabaran dan menjejaskan keperluan penjaga tidak formal. Di Malaysia, tidak banyak kajian difokuskan dalam kalangan penjaga. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka keperluan tidak dipenuhi (KTD) dalam kalangan penjaga WEU di rumah. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah secara kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Kajian ini telah dilaksanakan di daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor menggunakan jenis persampelan bertujuan dengan kriteria inklusi. Seramai enam orang penjaga WEU telah berjaya ditemu bual dan dikenal pasti melalui Persatuan Pesara UKM, Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) UKM dan Persatuan Penduduk setempat. Data kajian telah dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan analisis manual. Hasil kajian menunjukkan lima tema KTD dialami penjaga iaitu kesejahteraan emosi, masalah kesihatan, keperluan sosial, rehat dan tidur serta impak pekerjaan. Kesemua penjaga mengalami sekurang-kurangnya satu KTD dan kesejahteraan emosi merupakan KTD paling kerap dilaporkan. Terdapat penjaga yang mengalami stres sehingga meninggalkan kesan negatif kepada tubuh WEU. Segelintir pula mengalami masalah kesihatan termasuk kemurungan dan kebimbangan, kurang berat badan, sakit pinggang dan tangan. Keperluan sosial penjaga juga sangat terhad dan kebanyakan mereka tidak melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti kemasyarakatan. Penjaga juga tidak menikmati rehat dan tidur secukupnya. Terdapat penjaga yang berhenti kerja untuk memberi fokus kepada penjagaan. Kesimpulannya, KTD dalam kalangan penjaga sangat memberi kesan kepada diri mereka dan warga emas yang dijaga. Malah masalah ini berisiko tinggi menyumbang kepada kes penderaan yang lebih serius. Justeru sokongan kepada penjaga ini perlu diberi perhatian oleh semua pihak agar KTD dalam kalangan penjaga dapat dikurangkan.

Kata kunci: Keperluan tidak dipenuhi; penjaga; warga emas; uzur; tidak formal

Abstract: Caring for frail elderly (WEU) at home can be challenging and affects the needs of informal caregivers. In Malaysia, not many studies were focused on caregivers. Therefore, this study aims to explore the unmet needs (KTD) among frail elderly caregivers at home. The design of this study is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. This study was carried out in the district of Hulu Langat, Selangor using a sampling technique with inclusion criteria. A total of six frail elderly caregivers were successfully interviewed and identified through the UKM’s Pensioners Association, UKM’s Senior Citizens Activity Centre (PAWE) and the Local Residents' Associations. The data was analyzed thematically using manual analysis. The results of the study showed that five themes of KTD were experienced by caregivers in terms of emotional well-being, health problems, social needs, rest and sleep as well as work impact. All caregivers had at least one KTD and emotional well-being was the most frequently reported. There are caregivers who are so stressed and leave a negative impact on the WEU’s body. A few caregivers suffer from health problems including depression, anxiety, underweight, back pain and hand pain. Their social needs are also very limited and most caregivers are not involved in community activities. Caregivers also do not enjoy adequate rest and sleep. There are caregivers who quit their jobs to focus on caregiving. In conclusion, KTD among caregivers has a great impact on them selves and their WEUs. In fact, this problem has a high risk of contributing to more serious cases of abuse. Therefore, support for these caregivers needs to be paid attention to by all parties so that the KTD among caregivers can be reduced.

Keywords: Unmet needs; caregivers; elderly; frail; informal


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