Hubungan Antara Perkongsian Nilai dan Jaringan Hubungan dengan Amalan Budaya Organisasi Berorientasikan Tadbir Urus Awam Baik (Relationship Between Shared Value and Network of Relationships With Organizational Cultural Practices Oriented towards Good Public Governance)

Norkhairilhuda Mustapha, Suraiya Ishak


Pencapaian matlamat organisasi awam adalah berkait rapat dengan tadbir urus organisasi. Tadbir urus awam yang baik dapat direalisasikan melalui budaya organisasi bermanafaat. Justeru, nilai bersama ahli organisasi dan bentuk jaringan hubungan adalah faktor penting yang menentukan kewujudan amalan budaya organisasi ke arah pelaksanaan tadbir urus awam baik dalam kalangan penjawat awam yang terlibat dalam operasi penyampaian perkhidmatan awam. Objektif kajian adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi iaitu perkongsian nilai dan jaringan hubungan terhadap amalan budaya organisasi berorientasikan tadbir urus awam baik. Kajian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif iaitu teknik survei bagi mendapatkan data. Seramai 169 orang penjawat awam yang terdiri daripada pegawai Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (P&P) yang berkhidmat di sebuah Kementerian Kerajaan telah dipilih sebagai sampel melalui teknik persampelan rawak sistematik. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menguji hubungan serta pengaruh di antara dimensi budaya organisasi terhadap amalan budaya organisasi berorientasi tadbir urus awam baik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan wujud di antara perkongsian nilai dan jaringan hubungan dengan amalan budaya organisasi berorientasi tadbir urus awam yang baik. Secara perbandingan pula didapati pengaruh dimensi perkongsian nilai lebih kuat berbanding jaringan hubungan. Implikasi teoritikalnya kajian telah membuktikan kerelevanan perkongsian nilai dan jaringan dalam menyokong budaya organisasi awam berorientasi tadbir urus baik. Justeru, budaya organisasi berasaskan dimensi perkongsian nilai dan jaringan hubungan perlu diberi perhatian oleh agensi awam supaya budaya organisasi yang menyokong tadbir urus awam yang baik dapat diterap dalam seluruh organisasi.

Kata kunci: Budaya organisasi; perkongsian nilai; jaringan hubungan; tadbir urus awam; perkhidmatan awam

Abstract: The attainment of public organization goals is closely related to the organizational governance. Good public governance can be realised through the beneficial organizational culture. Therefore, the organizational members’ share values and the nature of relationships network are pertinent to determine the availability of organizational culture practices that supports good public governance among public officers involved in the delivery of public services operations. The study's objective is to analyse the relationships and influence of organizational culture dimensions which are shared values and relationship networks towards good public governance organizational culture. This study employs quantitative approach which is the survey technique to obtain data. A total of 169 civil servants consisting of Management and Professional Group officers served in a government ministry were selected as the sample through the systematic random sampling technique. The multiple linear regression analysis is used to test the relationship and influence between the two dimensions of organizational culture with the organizational culture practices. The study results show significant influence was found between shared values and relationship network with good public governance orientation. Comparatively, the sharing value dimension has more influence than the network of relationships. The theoretical implication is the study proved the relevance of shared values and network of relationships dimensions in supporting the public organization culture oriented at good governance. Thus, public agencies should pay attention to organizational culture based on value sharing and a network of relationships so that organizational culture which support good public governance can be instilled throughout the entire organization.

Keywords: organizational culture, value sharing, network of relationships, public governance, public services


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