Persepsi Pengguna dalam Kalangan Belia Bandar Terhadap Parkir Awam Berbayar di Lembah Klang (User Perception Among Urban Youth Towards Paid Public Parking in Klang Valley)

Harshini Munusamy, Norain Mod Asri


Kepentingan parkir awam berbayar di bandar tidak dapat disangkal memandangkan pemilikan dan penggunaan kenderaan persendirian semakin bertambah terutama dalam kalangan belia. Dalam masa yang sama, kuantiti dan kualiti parkir awam berbayar juga harus seiring dengan keperluan pengguna semasa. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji persepsi belia terhadap parkir awam berbayar di kawasan Lembah Klang. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah kuantitatif iaitu menerusi pengedaran borang soal selidik secara dalam talian kepada responden belia di Lembah Klang. Menerusi analisis faktor terhadap responden belia, didapati pembayaran caj parkir awam secara atas talian adalah lebih mudah dan menjimatkan masa serta kaum wanita lebih kerap menggunakan kenderaan persendirian. Selain itu, penggunaan parkir awam berbayar adalah sangat tinggi pada waktu bekerja iaitu selama lapan jam. Malah, kesediaan parkir awam menentukan bila pengguna ingin keluar dan pengguna turut berasa selamat apabila menggunakan tempat parkir awam pada waktu malam. Bilangan kotak parkir awam juga didapati mencukupi terutama semasa waktu puncak dan caj parkir awam wajar dikenakan cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan (SST). Rentetan itu, memandangkan permintaan terhadap parkir awam adalah tinggi, maka kerajaan harus menawarkan parkir awam yang releven dengan keperluan penduduk setempat.

Kata kunci: Parkir awam berbayar; belia; Lembah Klang; analisis faktor; permintaan

Abstract: The importance of paid public parking in the city cannot be denied since the ownership and use of private vehicles is increasing, especially among the youth. At the same time, the quantity and quality of paid public parking should also be in line with current user needs. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine the youth's perception of paid public parking in the Klang Valley area. This study applies quantitative methods through the distribution of online questionnaires to youth respondents in the Klang Valley. Through factor analysis of youth respondents, it was found that paying public parking charges online is easier and saves time and that women use private vehicles more often. In addition, the use of paid public parking is very high during working hours which is for eight hours. In fact, the availability of public parking determines when users want to go out and users also feel safe when using public parking at night. The number of public parking lots is also found to be sufficient especially during peak hours and public parking charges should be subject to sales and service tax (SST). Therefore, since the demand for public parking is high, the government should offer public parking that is relevant to the needs of local residents.

Keywords: Paid public parking; youth; Klang Valley; factor analysis; demand


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