Suk Lan Yang


The objective of this research is to detect if graphic design students have the abilities of Self-Directed Learning Skills (SDLS). In the Malaysian education system, students have consistently adapted to teacher-centered learning methods and are unable to master the skills of independent learning. This situation is further exacerbated by the prevalence of local academics in higher education institutions, who constantly practice pedagogical methods of delivery while mistaking them to be andragogical methods. As a consequence of this phenomenon, it is found that most of the students are facing various difficulties in learning and are increasingly experiencing emotional stress in the pursuit of high academic achievement. This study utilises an analysis based on andragogy, incorporated with the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) to investigate the effectiveness of self-directed learning abilities based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in helping the students achieve high academic performances. This study uses a mixed-method enquiry for data collection and analysis. This combination of methods can successfully overcome the following deficiencies such as; providing an opportunity to pay attention to measurement error, discovering incomplete information, eliminating variables, and assessing the certainty of conclusions.


Pedagogy; Self-determination theory; Self-directed learning

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