Food and Drink Idioms in English "A little Bit More Sugar and Lots of Spice"

Kim Hua Tan


The revised and renamed edition of Laura Pinnavaia’s previous book “‘Sugar and Spice’…Exploring food and drink idioms in English” expands on what she had originally presented in 2010, with updates made to chapter four and three.  In all, 276 food and drink idioms were identified, dissected, and categorised over six chapters, to provide further analyses for future research in the field of lexicography and beyond. Currently a Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Milan, Italy, Pinnavaia’s field of expertise is firmly in lexicology and lexicography where she has published one edited volume and four other books on the topic – “Food and Drink Idioms in English” is her latest.

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eISSN : 2550-2247

ISSN : 0128-5157